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Our Services

We specialise in temporary staffing recruitment in the healthcare industry. We strive to hire people with requisite knowledge, skills and experience to provide care. 


Omega excellence lies in providing staff cover for urgency’s, emergencies, short notice and general staff shortages.


Whatever your care needs, we will always be at your service.

We Supply staffs to

• Nursing Homes
• Residential care homes
•Medium secure Hospitals

• Private Hospitals
• General Hospitals
• Neurological hospitals.


Our role is to support you in the life choices that you make. We believe that everyone should be given the choice and chance to live in their own home in old age or sickness if they so wish and with our services, we can make that wish a reality. How we do it is put you at the centre of the planning to discover what you want, the support you need and how we can provide it.
Just as everybody is different, everybody requires different levels of care; whether you need somebody to bath and dress you or just need someone to pop in to help with the weekly shopping; we are here to give you the care and support you need to lead the most independent life possible. Our solutions are not only cost-effective, but provide value to our clients due to the exceptional care they get.



Palliative care is an area of care given to people in the final stages of their life. It is an approach that enhances the quality of life of patients/families facing difficulties associated with life-threatening illness by the mode of early recognition, impeccable assessment, treatment of pain and other problems be it physical, emotional or psychosocial. 
Our carers are fully trained and equipped with knowledge to help clients needing palliative care with sensitivity and at the same time helping them enjoy life to the fullest by supporting them with personalised care 


Dementia care is all about helping you or a relative to have the support they need to carry on living their lives either in their own home or in a care home. 
Whether you just need someone to check on your loved one first thing in the morning and help with personal care or breakfast, or continuous live in care to make sure they’re safe all the time, you can be assured that our fully-trained carers will be on hand to help whenever you need them. 
Omega healthcare solutions carers always work to follow service users care plan, maintaining independence as much as possible and always promoting the highest standard of care for the person they are supporting.



Do you require a break from fulltime care that you presently provide for your family member? We are able to provide respite care regardless of your location or care needs. At Omega Healthcare Solutions, we’ll match you with a carer who fits your routine in order to give you and the person needing care a break. Our care givers have many years of experience and can be fully trusted. At Omega, our services are contract-free and respite care can be arranged on a temporary basis with no charges to continue home services once we are no longer needed.


We have numbers of nurses and care assistants deployed to nursing homes to support patients who requires some element of nursing care such as advanced dementia, bed bound care, poor mobility and incontinency as well as every other conditions that needs enhanced support. Our caregivers are well experienced and very good when it comes to providing duty of care towards patients. 

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Neurological conditions can be very challenging and requires professionally trained staff to support patients with these conditions. It is our job to provide you with the right caregiver that fits your needs. All our caregivers are well trained to support those affected by a neurological condition or mental health so you can be rest assured we’ll fill your rota requirements, whether at short notice, out-of-hours or in hard-to-fill placements.

  • Learning disabilities

  • Autism

  • Spinal Cord injuries

  • Progressive Neurological condition

  • Acquired brain injuries

  • Acute Mental Health Care

  • Huntington’s disease

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Neurodegenerative conditions

Omega Healthcare Solutions portfolio of clients is extensive, from private hospitals, local authorities and private nursing homes, mental health institutes & learning disability units and social service organizations

Our staff are trained to support
service users in 

  • Personal care and support (including getting up, toileting, bathing, washing and dressing) 

  • Companionship support

  • Hospital discharge and support

  • Food/meals preparation

  • Respite care

  • Rehabilitation aftercare at home

  • Laundry and general housework

  • Dementia care, Help with learning physical and sensory disabilities

If there is a need for support which is not highlighted above, we will review; provided they fall in the remit of services we are authorised to provide, legal and do not place the client or staff in a position of compromise or danger.

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